Why each Toastmaster club should have a blog?
Today I have been to Amplion Toastmasters club. Quite a new club located in Prague near Uhelný dvůr and it was a great meeting. As a speaker I had project n.3 from advanced communicator manual, the Winning proposal. Objective of the project is to propose an idea (for me it was that Amplion club should have a blog) and persuade the audience to accept it. I have uploaded my slides that i used for today, I would like to thank the audience once again, the atmosphere was very good.
A toastmaster club is a great place not to only improve your communication skills, but also to make friends. And for both making friends and public speaking you need two things - a speaker and the audience. While the main pages of your club could give the person the basic information, blog is the place where you can connect with the people showing that you are friendly, lively club with lot of interesting activities.
I hope my slides can inspire you when making a presentation next time or when you think about starting a blog. Don‘t think. Start it.