Do what you love and focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.

I know what you have told yourself after failing something you are not really good at. "I will a tutor! I will spend more time doing it, even though I don't like it!". I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the way to be really great is to admit you are great only at something, so do more of what you are good at, do what you love.

I can hear you now telling yourself that you might need more time, more practise and you will master that skill. Follow your heart, if it's your true calling, you will know it. If it's not your true calling, let it be. You can improve at many skills, but being average is no advantage, being expert at one skill and be able to connect it with some others can become your competitive advantage. You probably know the saying, 

"Jack of all trades, master of none." .

If you choose a restaurant, do you prefer the average one, or the best one? Be choosy in your hobbies. Having many hobbies could be exciting, giving you energy, but true masters focus on what's essential. So think about your time, about all the activities you have and ask yourself "Which one is really important to me?". Throw away all those you think are you good, and start focusing you energy on what you love. 

Doing a great job means work of love. Then nothing can stop you, you will be put your wholehearted effort.Focusing on your weaknesses drains your energy. And also play, remind yourself of what you wanted to do for a long time, but you thought you are too old. Do you like walking in the rain, sitting on the ground and putting Lego blocks together in various shapes? Do it, do it because our brain is wired for play. If you take life too seriously, joy and passion will vanish.

For a long time I was trying to be serious, play less, work more, focus on my goals every second of my life. It's good to know you goals, it's good to work hard, but don't take it too seriously. Laugh if you make mistake, try again and remind yourself of when you were a child learning how to ride a bike. You fell numerous times, it was painful and many times you thought you can't make it. It was serious for you, but also a play, it didn't drain your energy, it was cool and you after falling you wanted to sit on the strange unstable kind of transport again and try again. Don't loose that creativity and passion while trying to be matured. Keep the child inside you.